Finding stuff

Hey! Thanks for checking out my blog. I had my abortion in Dec 2008, so you can find most of the posts about the nitty gritty by clicking on "2008" in the blog archives, and checking out things from there.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I kind of forgot about this blog....

... But am glad people are still finding it and appreciating it!

Another woman is blogging about her upcoming abortion, which I hope you will check out and give her your support. "I'm really having an abortion?"

Since I last posted, I've broken up with the fellow who knocked me up last year, for reasons I won't get into. Let it suffice to say that I'm so glad we don't have a child together and that I can cut ties.

I've also started grad school, learned to wake board, gone to countless dance parties, swam all summer long, and am venturing into a new romance with lovely fellow. He is smart and kind and makes me smile... a lot. Yea, I'm pretty smitten. :D

Life is good.

Every once in a while I think about how different my life would have been if I didn't have access to a safe legal abortion, and I feel overwhelmed with gratitude to everyone out there who has fought for women's rights and freedom of choice. You all rock. Thanks.